Spirituality: Children and Youth
Church School

Church School Philosophy
Our Church school is an inclusive community of children and adults led by Children's Formation Coordinator Katie Gonyaw. We envision Sunday school as a place where love abounds, where children and youth gain a deeper understanding of God as they learn, practice and live their place in our community and in the world - a place where an abiding faith is evident, where the stories and concepts of the Bible are told, where the history and traditions of the Episcopal Church are taught, where care for creation is alive, and where the words of Jesus are heard and celebrated. We value an organic curriculum that includes song, stories, discussion, art, reflection, exploration, food and fun. We believe that this involvement will bring children to a deeper understanding of God within, revealed through the grace of day-to-day experience, that allows them to act on their faith to make real God’s vision of a world of peace and justice.
Church School Information
Church School for children from preschool through middle school is offered on Sunday mornings throughout the program year following the Eucharist. All classes meet on the lower level, in individual classrooms, each staffed by experienced and loving teachers.
For more information, please contact Katie Gonyaw via the Cathedral Administrator at [email protected].
Our Church school is an inclusive community of children and adults led by Children's Formation Coordinator Katie Gonyaw. We envision Sunday school as a place where love abounds, where children and youth gain a deeper understanding of God as they learn, practice and live their place in our community and in the world - a place where an abiding faith is evident, where the stories and concepts of the Bible are told, where the history and traditions of the Episcopal Church are taught, where care for creation is alive, and where the words of Jesus are heard and celebrated. We value an organic curriculum that includes song, stories, discussion, art, reflection, exploration, food and fun. We believe that this involvement will bring children to a deeper understanding of God within, revealed through the grace of day-to-day experience, that allows them to act on their faith to make real God’s vision of a world of peace and justice.
Church School Information
Church School for children from preschool through middle school is offered on Sunday mornings throughout the program year following the Eucharist. All classes meet on the lower level, in individual classrooms, each staffed by experienced and loving teachers.
For more information, please contact Katie Gonyaw via the Cathedral Administrator at [email protected].
Youth Confirmation
Youth Confirmation class is offered every two years (odd numbered years) beginning in Advent and culminating with confirmation at the Easter Vigil. The group is open to high school students and uses an adaptation of the Confirm not Conform curriculum.
For more information, please contact the Rev. Deacon Stan Baker at sbaker@stpaulscathedralvt.org.
For more information, please contact the Rev. Deacon Stan Baker at sbaker@stpaulscathedralvt.org.