The St. Paul's flower guild enhances our worship and glorifies God by presenting gifts of natural beauty through greenery and flower arrangements at Christmas. Members of St. Paul's are invited to dedicate Christmas flowers in memory of or thanksgiving for a person or event. The name(s) and the occasion will be printed in the service bulletin at Christmas. There is a suggested donation of $20. Please include payment with your request, either online or by check payable to: The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, including "Christmas Flowers" in the memo line.
Please write the names as you would like them to appear in the Christmas bulletins. Checks may be placed in the offering plate, handed to a member of the clergy or Cathedral staff, or mailed to the Cathedral at:
2 Cherry St., Burlington, VT 05401.
Contributions must be received by Thursday, December 15 so that the names can be included in the Christmas bulletins. Thank you!
Please write the names as you would like them to appear in the Christmas bulletins. Checks may be placed in the offering plate, handed to a member of the clergy or Cathedral staff, or mailed to the Cathedral at:
2 Cherry St., Burlington, VT 05401.
Contributions must be received by Thursday, December 15 so that the names can be included in the Christmas bulletins. Thank you!